Beasiswa Indonesia Emas – Daerah 2024, Menumbuhkan Growth Mindset, Untuk Masa Depan Gemilang

The event kicked off with a warm welcome from Dra. Siti Nurkhayati, M.Pd, the Chairperson of the Adiluhung Education Foundation (YPAN). She expressed her hopes that the scholarship recipients would make the most of this opportunity. “With a growth mindset, I believe you will all become strong and innovative future leaders,” she said.

The training session focused on two main aspects: the Foundation of Growth Mindset, which invited participants to understand the basic concept of growth mindset and compare it to fixed mindset. It also aimed to shift from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset by providing various strategies and techniques to change existing thought patterns.

Featuring internationally renowned education expert Prof. Ir. Djohan Yoga, M.Sc. MoT., Ph.D. as the main speaker, the session inspired participants with a deep understanding of the importance of adopting a growth mindset in facing academic and professional challenges.

In a competitive era, a growth mindset is the key to success, as it allows individuals to increase self-motivation by viewing failures as opportunities to learn and grow. It also equips individuals with strong mental resilience to face various pressures and challenges. Furthermore, this mindset fosters positive relationships by being open to feedback and criticism, ultimately leading to greater achievements.

The scholarship recipients welcomed the training enthusiastically, acknowledging the benefits of Djohan Yoga’s insightful presentations. YPAN is committed to providing ongoing support to help recipients reach their full potential.

In addition to growth mindset training, YPAN will organize various activities such as seminars, workshops, and mentoring to support the development of soft and hard skills for scholarship recipients. Through the BIE-D program, Indonesia aims to nurture a quality, competitive younger generation capable of leading the nation towards a brighter future.


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